Tommy Tales – серия пригодных для напечатания книг для детей уровня Beginner-Elementary о приключениях маленького шалуна Томми Томкинса и его друзей. К каждой книге прилагаются указания для учителя, упражнения, а также файлы с дополнительной информацией, расширяющей темы сюжетов каждой книги.
Type: FictionFantasy Level: Beginner-Elementary Tommy Tales are printable books for children about the lovable rascal Tommy Tomkins and his friends. Each book is enclosed with supporting materials, including teaching notes, funsheets with activities relating to the story , and fact files that expand on topics in each story .
Gathered within this wonderful new edition is an extravagance of beautiful princesses and stout stable boys, sour-faced witches and kings with hearts of gold. Each tale is a masterpiece of storytelling.
"The Canterbury Tales" was the first great poem in the English language, and it remains a favorite among students and scholars to this day. Ideal for research, this volume includes a comprehensive collection of interpretive essays that provide expert commentary on this timeless work. It also features an introduction by master scholar Harold Bloom, a chronology detailing Chaucer's life, a bibliography, and an index.
Demonstrates that Chaucer structured both Canterbury Tales after the astrolabe, an Arabic time-keeping device. Chaucer's fascination with this device also accounts for the sense of the time and astronomy in the Tales.
Why are there so many celestial allusions in the Canterbury Tales? In this revealing work, Marijane Osborn brings insight to Chaucer's celestial references by exploring his fascination with the astrolabe ("star-catcher"), a medieval device used for calculating the position of celestial bodies. Osborn suggests that Chaucer took his symbolic structure for the famous pilgrimage story from the functions of the astrolabe, which calculates time in relation to celestial movements.
While writing the Tales, Chaucer also wrote A Treatise on the Astrolabe, the oldest work on a scientific instrument in the English language. Osborn describes Chaucer's treatise so that a careful reader might learn about the astrolabe's functions.
Fairy stories and traditional tales have a special place in the life of every child. Beauty and the Beast is perfect for reading aloud, or for older, more confident readers to read by themselves.
Ladybird has published fairy tales for over forty years, bringing the magic of traditional stories to each new generation of children. These are the original Ladybird retellings, with beautiful new pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved and will always remember these classic stories and sharing them together is an experience to treasure.