This book is primarily intended for second, foreign and modern language teachers. It contains a series of short articles in order to provide teachers with theoretically supported classroom strategies for increasing communicative competence at different levels of skill development. Articles highlight the role of comprehensible input at the outset as well as strategies and target more context-specific strategies. The themes include early student comprehension and response, context-based comprehension and interaction, meaning-based communication and problem-solving, group work and the cooperative approach, and refining literacy skills. A final component evaluation is included.
Instructional designers hold the responsibility of selecting, sequencing, synthesizing, and summarizing unfamiliar content to subject matter experts. To successfully achieve legitimate participation in communities of practice, instructional designers need to utilize a number of communication strategies to optimize the interaction with the subject matter expert. Instructional Design: Case Studies in Communities of Practice documents real-world experiences of instructional designers and staff developers who work in communities of practice. Instructional Design: Case Studies in Communities of Practice explains the strategies and heuristics used by instructional designers when working in different settings, articulates the sophistication of communication strategies when working with subject matter experts, and provides insight into the range of knowledge, skills, and personal characteristics required to complete the tasks expected of them.
Teaming Handbook - Successful Strategies for Teams
The purpose of this handbook is to equip you with tools that can help your team work productively and successfully. These techniques will help your team organize information, organize and run effective meetings, and generate useful member contributions.
Social and Emotional Education in Primary School: Integrating Theory and Research into Practice
This book synthesizes concepts, findings, and best practices for a complete guide to planning, implementing, and evaluating social and emotional education (SEE) programs. Emphasizing "caught" as well as taught lessons, it offers a whole-school framework for SEE, with content, rationales, assessment tools, and age-appropriate strategies.
New Edition for the December 2008 exam. The expert series delivers the rigorous exam training and thorough language development * Assure your students of exam success with the integrated exam tips and strategies * Build your students writing and speaking skills with the thorough, step-by-step skills development activities * Encourage self study using the extensive reference material including exam material, grammar, writing and functions * Exam style tasks familiarise students with the exam format Audio reuploaded