If you are driving, pull over. If you are at work, close your door, unless you don't mind your colleagues seeing you doubled over, in tears, on your office floor. With this recording, taped before a delirious sold out audience at Carnegie Hall, you are there as David Sedaris performs new stories from his upcoming book. A parrot who mimics an ice maker, lovers quarrelling over a rubber hand, and a Santa Claus who moonlights from his job as bishop of Turkey, the cast of characters in these stories is like no other. This new work will appeal to David's loyal fans as well as admirers of the classic comedy albums of George Carlin, Bill Cosby and Steve Martin.
Michel Tournier is possibly France's most widely acclaimed modern novelist, a writer who explores complex philosophical questions in the guise of concrete, imagistic narratives. His texts demand academic scrutiny, but Tournier also actively encourages a different form of reception. His habit of performing abridged versions of his stories before a "live" (frequently young) audience explicitly links his work to the oral tradition of the storyteller.
Книга для чтения является составной частью учебного комплекта "Счастливый английский" для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных учебных заведений. Она содержит сказки, отрывки из произведений всемирно известных английских детских писателей и ключ для самопроверки. При работе с книгой рекомендуется пользоваться словарем учебника "Счастливый английский".
The book contains stories, excerpts from works by world-famous British children's writers and the tasks with keys.
20 short stories - each on two pages in authentic English with exercises.
Короткие истории (очень короткие - одна на разворот) для чтения. В конце книги - глоссарий, упражнения, вопросы для обсуждения. Here are 20 stories, and they're so short you don't even have to turn over the page!
These very, very short stories are especially written for students who want to enjoy good, easy-to-read fiction in authentic English. They are an entertaining variety of comedy, romance and fantasy, all about people in countries such as Africa, Turkey, China, and the USA.
'Happy Days' is about a school play with very young children in it - of course, everything goes wrong!
Penguin Very Short Stories are specially written to give students practice in authentic English. They provide excellent reading enjoyment and can easily be read in a single sitting. Each story contains useful language, idioms, and everyday expressions. A section at the back of each book contains a useful glossary, lots of language practice exercises, and many questions for discussion and conversation practice.
This is one of the first books I made. I would say it's an intermediate to advanced ESL reader. It's a compilation of short stories taken from Rong-Chang, I added a few pictures and put it together in a crisp and clean pdf file. It's basically a reading comprehension book with exercises and the teacher can improvise with some conversation questions based on the stories. Each section has some vocabulary which can be translated to a native language or used to make sentences with. There are Dictation exercises and a crossword puzzle based on the story after each story. I threw in a few grammar exercises.