A set of exercises for primary school teachers who would like to place their students in order to decide which coursebook level they should start with.
Terrorism, ethnocentrism, religious tension, competition over limited resources, war - these are just a few of the problems and challenges that have emerged in today's global economy. Globalization both implies and requires economic interdependence; and this should bring with it a heightened sense of the interconnectedness of the participating societies.
What Everyone Should Know about Economics and Prosperity
Most of you do not want to spend a lot of time learning new terms, memorizing formulas, or mastering details that are important only to professional economists.What you want are the insights of economics that reallymatter—those thatwill help youmake better personal choices and enhance your understanding of our complex world. And you want those insights to be presented in a concise, organized, and readable manner, with a minimum of economics jargon. This short book attempts to meet both of these objectives.
The 250 Estate Planning Questions Everyone Should Ask
How can you provide a financially sound future for your loved ones while avoiding estate planning or even making a will, unsure about how to effectively plan for the disposition of your assets? Estate planning is essential-no matter how much money or property you intend to leave to your heirs. In this handy Q&A guide, you'll find answers to all your questions about taxes, gifts, wills, will substitutes, and much more.
This work illustrates, describes and evaluates different approaches to teaching drama in the secondary school. It feflects on spcific areas of learning in drama and provides examples of good practice, and should stimulate discussion about progressions, assessment and creativity.