Added by: badaboom | Karma: 5366.29 | Fiction literature | 6 October 2010
Russian Winter
A mysterious jewel holds the key to a life-changing secret, in this breathtaking tale of love and art, betrayal and redemption.
When she decides to auction her remarkable jewelry collection, Nina Revskaya, once a great star of the Bolshoi Ballet, believes she has finally drawn a curtain on her past. Instead, the former ballerina finds herself overwhelmed by memories of her homeland and of the events, both glorious and heartbreaking, that changed the course of her life half a century ago.
American country cooking is a story of cows and chickens, grains and fresh vegetables and wild berries. It is simple and honest and touched with nostalgia, a bit of ethnicity, regionality, and history. This excellent selection of delicious home-style recipes by veteran food writer Beatrice Ojakangas highlights dishes that reflect many parts of the country and many different cuisines.
Practice Tests for the Russian State Exam - это тесты для подготовки к выпускным экзаменам по английскому языку в формате ЕГЭ. Учебное пособие содержит: 20 тестов в формате ЕГЭ; разъяснение особенностей формата экзамена; советы учащимся по выполнению заданий в разделах «Аудирование», «Говорение», «Чтение» и «Письмо»; упражнения на повторение лексического и грамматического материала, включая повторение видовременных форм глагола, фразовых глаголов, а также средств и способов словообразования Teacher's Book added by decabristka
Polish Encounters, Russian Identity (Indiana-Michigan Series in Russian and East European Studies)
At a time when Poland is emphasizing its distance from Russia, Polish Encounters, Russian Identity points to the historical ties and mutual influences of these two great Slavic peoples. Whether Poland adopted a hostile or a friendly stance toward Russia, the intense responses of Russian thinkers, writers, and political leaders to Poland and to Polish culture shaped Russians' idea of themselves and their place in the world.