The major focus of the journal is publishing important original scientific research and research reviews, but Science also publishes science-related news, opinions on science policy and other matters of interest to scientists and others who are concerned with the wide implications of science and technology. Unlike most scientific journals, which focus on a specific field, Science and its rival Nature cover the full range of scientific disciplines.
British Dinosaurs seeks to redress the balance by gathering together information on more than 60 different species that have been discovered as fossil remains in Britain – along with detailed illustrations showing how they are believed to have looked in life, based on the latest research.
Learn how these fascinating creatures lived, their habitat, what they ate and what animals wanted to eat them. It’s all here in British Dinosaurs.
The major focus of the journal is publishing important original scientific research and research reviews, but Science also publishes science-related news, opinions on science policy and other matters of interest to scientists and others who are concerned with the wide implications of science and technology. Unlike most scientific journals, which focus on a specific field, Science and its rival Nature cover the full range of scientific disciplines.
Handbook of Implementation Science for Psychology in Education
Implementation Science is the science of the effectiveness of research for real-world practitioners. This book is an indispensable, highly innovative, and evidence-based resource aimed at utilizing research in psychology to improve all aspects of education, from individual teaching programs to organizational development.
Insights from Research in Science Teaching and Learning: Selected Papers from the ESERA 2013 Conference
This book includes studies that represent the state of the art in science education research and convey a sense of the variation in educational traditions around the world. The papers are organized into six main sections: science teaching processes, conceptual understanding, reasoning strategies, early years science education, and affective and social aspects of science teaching and learning. The volume features 18 papers, selected from the most outstanding papers presented during the 10th European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Conference, held in Nicosia, Cyprus, in September 2013.