Listing more than 2,500 high-powered words, phrases, and slogans, Words That Sell is the ultimate reference for anyone who needs instant access to the key words that make the difference in selling. Arranged by category for handy reference, it covers everything from "snappy transitions" to "knocking the competition," from "grabbers" to "clinchers." There are 62 ways to say "exciting" alone; 57 variations on "reliable"! Whether you are selling ideas or widgets, Words That Sell guarantees the expert sales professional an expanded, rejuvenated repertoire and the novice a feeling of confidence.
This Encyclopedia is an indispensible reference guide to twentieth-century fiction in the English language. With nearly 500 contributors and over 1 million words, it is the most comprehensive and authoritative reference guide to twentieth-century fiction in the English language.
Volume considers innovation and small business with particular reference to the innovation process. Here an approach appropriate to small businesses is taken by considering the distinction between invention and innovation as well as research and development in the context of small firms. In addition, technology diffusion, clusters and knowledge flows, higher education spin-offs, global start-ups and innovation performance indicators are also considered with particular reference to the small business sector.
European Private Law After the Common Frame of Reference: What Future for European Private Law
This book paves the way for, and initiates, the second-generation of research in European private law subsequent to the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) needed for the 21st century.
The book gives a voice to the growing dissatisfaction in academic discourse that the DCFR, as it stands in 2009, does not actually represent the condensed available knowledge on the possible future of European private law.