The Musical Instrument Desk Reference: A Guide to How Band and Orchestral Instruments Work
The Musical Instrument Desk Reference includes general information on fingering, the anatomy of musical instruments, sound production, amplification, and control, as well as the science of sound. Readers will find individual chapters on woodwinds, brass instruments, non-fretted string instruments, and percussion instruments.
"A Writer's Reference," the most widely adopted handbook in the United States, continues to be groundbreaking in its simplicity, offering the right content in an accessible format. New coauthor Nancy Sommers's own research, campus travel, and classroom experience keep the handbook in tune with the needs of academic writers. In a trusted quick-reference format, the seventh edition delivers advice on all the right topics: working with sources, revising with comments, preparing a portfolio, and more. "A Writer's Reference" offers unprecedented flexibility with several versions to choose from -- a handbook that's truly at your service.
Ideal for all those who wish to perform more successfully in the workplace or in study, this book will tell you all you need to know about words and develop or improve your word building and vocabulary. In two parts, the first part gives advice on using active rather than passive vocabulary, how to use dictionaries and word reference books effectively as well as electronic and online reference materials, and which word to use when faced with a choice. The second gives information about word classes, word structure, and contains a detailed glossary.
A Speaker’s Guidebook is the most successful public speaking book in over a decade and the best resource for students both in and outside the classroom. Praised for connecting with students and addressing their most pressing needs, it is the easiest-to-use public speaking text available and the text that students keep.