Гарт Фрэнсис Брет (Harte Francis Bret) - The Luck of Roaring Camp Mp3 + text Гарт, Фрэнсис Брет (Брет Гарт) [1836—1902] - американский писатель. Stories like “The Luck of Roaring Camp,” “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” and “The Idyl of Red Gulch” have a serious interest as pictures of a phase of American life which already seems far away; but their attractiveness is still more due to the skill they display in the sketching of types, to the pathos which they reveal in the most unlikely characters, and to the restraint and concentration with which the stories are told. (Bartleby. Com). .
On 646 pages excerpt from these publication. Something for everyone. The publications: Cat Head Biscuits And Garlic Fried Chicken”, Free Bonus Recipes “30 Delicious Desserts”, Fudge And Cookie Collection, 30 Great Barbecue Sauces, The Carolina Country Cooking 2002, “Subscribers Only” Cookbook, “Homemade Fudge” Cookbook...
This unique richly-illustrated account of the landforms and geology of the world’s coasts, presented in a country-by-country (state-by-state) sequence, assembles a vast amount of data and images of an endangered and increasingly populated and developed landform. An international panel of 138 coastal experts provides information on “what is where” on each sector of coast, together with explanations of the landforms, their evolution and the changes taking place on them.
“There will be two kinds of PR professionals in the future: those who read this book and get with the program, and the unemployed. Your choice.” Seth Godin, Author of Tribes “I am thrilled that there is finally a book about the right way to approach PR in today’s world, where hyper-connected conversations trump the old school broadcast mentality. Everyone who wants to build a career in PR or marketing should read this book.”