Caliban's Problem Book: Mathematical, Inferential and Cryptographic Puzzles
A small chapter is devoted to logic puzzles and the solutions are included. The authors were two of the leading figures in recreational mathematics in the sixties. Joseph Madachy was the founder of Recreational Mathematics Magazine and the editor of Journal of Recreational Mathematics for nearly thirty years
To solve these 100 puzzles, the only things required are an unclouded mind, nerves of steel, and a grasp of such sentences as: "No animal that does not prefer Beethoven to Mozart ever takes a taxi in Bond Street."
Challenging story teasers for the jaded. More difficult algebraically than typical puzzles, and ideal for confirmed puzzle fanatic, but appendices help less experienced. Step-by-step solutions to all 100 puzzles. Also 40 new alphametics—solvable by simple arithmetic and logical reasoning—with answers, and two sample solutions.
Junior Puzzles is a collection of games and puzzles that can be used for teaching English to young learners. There are 102 pages of various games including wordsearches, kriss kross puzzles, comparing pictures (spot the difference), mazes, finding hidden words, crosswords or recognising shapes.
Millions of people throughout the world are fascinated by puzzles, conundrums, and brain teasers. These amusing twisters from Barry Clarke are based on his extensive experience writing for the Daily Telegraph, Sunday Times and New Scientist. The author has gathered together a variety of posers including several examples of a brand new type of puzzle, The Word Bandit. Hints and full solutions are included for all puzzles. There is something for everyone here: puzzles for children, for the family, for members of Mensa, but above all puzzles for pleasure.