Children's Learning From Educational Television: Sesame Street and Beyond
With its unique perspective on children's educational television and comprehensive approach to studying the topic, this volume is required reading for scholars, researchers, and students working in the area of children and television. It offers crucial insights to scholars in developmental psychology, family studies, educational psychology, and related areas.
Handbook of Clinical Psychology Competencies describes the core competency areas in providing psychological services relevant to practitioners as well as clinical researchers. It covers assessment and conceptualization of cases, the application of evidence-based methods, supervision, consultation, cross-cultural factors, and ethics.
English Funerary Elegy in the Seventeenth Century: Laws in Mourning
Examining the funerary elegy in the context of early modern funerary ritual, this book also analyzes the political, aesthetic, moral, and religious developments in the period 1606-1660 and discusses the works of Donne, Jonson, Milton and Early Modern women's writing. Brady discusses both death and the body, combining literary theory, social and cultural history, psychology and anthropology to produce exciting and original readings of neglected source material.
Traditional psychology has long been concerned with cognition, motivation, emotion, and the mind in general?the mind being held responsible for individual behavior in society?and scholars of social and cultural psychology have worked in relative isolation. Meaning in Action is a bold departure as it places culture at the center of human functioning and posits that it is not the independent mind that gives rise to human action but participation in a world of socially created meanings.
This is one of Fodor's greatest early works. He argues that our best psychology requires that we posit a "language of thought," which is central to his computational theory of mind. Through this book, Fodor deserves much credit in advancing the program of taking internal mental processes seriously. It is essential reading for many, but especially anyone interested philosophy of psychology.