Four-skills American English course with a communicative methodology, engaging texts, and a strong pronunciation syllabus - designed to get students speaking. With texts and topics that make learners want to speak, American English File is the course that gets students talking. It gives you full skills coverage with a clear focus on pronunciation, plus wide-ranging support and resources too.
Four-skills American English course with a communicative methodology, engaging texts, and a strong pronunciation syllabus - designed to get students speaking. With texts and topics that make learners want to speak, American English File is the course that gets students talking. It gives you full skills coverage with a clear focus on pronunciation, plus wide-ranging support and resources too.
Tips for teaching pronunciation - A practical approach
Tips for Teaching Pronunciation shows English language teachers how to teach the North American sound system. This practical reference book provides practical tips, clear explanations, diagrams, and sample classroom activities. Each chapter covers one of the five main areas of pronunciation -- vowels, consonants, stress, rhythm, and intonation. Written in clearly comprehensible terms, each book offers soundly conceived practical approaches to classroom instruction that are firmly grounded in current pedagogical research.
English is spoken in different ways around the world. Spotlight Audio gives you not only American English and British English, but often Australian, South African, Irish and other regional forms of pronunciation in 60 minutes of interviews, exercises and dialogues connected to Spotlight magazine.
Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are replaced with dramatized episodes of Kids, the photo-story from the Student's Book. For your kinaesthetic learners there are new fun total physical response pronunciation activities in the pronunciation bank at the back of the Student's Book. Other students will enjoy reading the stories in the extensive reading bank.