Successful Writing for Proficiency - Teacher's Book
Added by: enetips610 | Karma: 0 | Only for teachers, CPE | 27 August 2006 |
 Successful Writing Proficiency consists of nine units which cover all types of composition writing (descriptions, narratives, letters, discursive essays, articles, reviews) required at advanced levels. Each unit starts with a lead-in listening activity through which the basic plan for the type of writing the unit deals with is introduced. This also serves as a brainstorming activity, giving the teacher the chance to elicit useful language and ideas on the topic under discussion. |
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Tags: Successful, Proficiency, Teachers, Writing, аудио, writing, activity, which |
Idioms Organiser
Added by: Thrakatak | Karma: 266.32 | Coursebooks | 16 April 2006 |
 Представляю вам уникальное издание. Систему изученения идиоматических выражений.
Уровень Intermediate и Advanced. Подходит для самостоятельного изучения и для работы на занятиях.
IDIOMS ORGANISER is the most comprehensive idioms practice book for intermediate and advanced students. It is ideal for all students preparing for the FCE, CAE, Proficiency, and TOEFL exams. IDIOMS ORGANISER takes this difficult area for students and organises it in such a way that students at last can make sense of it.
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Tags: изучения, самостоятельного, Подходит, работы, занятиях, students, IDIOMS, ORGANISER, preparing, Proficiency |