Учебник "Proficiency in English" предназначен для студентов 3 курса факультета международных экономических отношений, которые изучают английский язык как основной.
Proficiency in English is a profile English course book for the 3rd-year students of International Economic Relations Department of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University).
SuperMemo UX Extreme English Proficiency (2011 edition)
Newest version of the multimedia program for learners of English at advanced and proficiency levels aiming to revise vocabulary before taking language certificate examinations. The user interface is in English, German and Polish.
Survival Tactics: The Top 11 Behaviors of Successful Entrepreneurs
Drawing from extensive primary research conducted with entrepreneurs in a variety of fields, Sun dispels common myths and misconceptions about entrepreneurship and identifies eleven core beliefs, behaviors, and qualities of successful individuals, including technical proficiency, team-building skills, and the ability to make decisions without complete information.
Added by: coralgol | Karma: 11.89 | Black Hole | 13 June 2011
SuperMemo UX Extreme English Proficiency 2010
Newest version of the multimedia program for learners of English at advanced and proficiency levels aiming to revise vocabulary before taking language certificate examinations. The user interface is in English, German and Polish.
Proficiency Practice Tests Plus series introduces students to exam formats and provides step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to maximise their chances of excelling. The Practice Tests Plus series provides sets of complete tests in exam format for Cambridge KET, PET, FCE, CAE, revised CPE, IELTS and Michigan ECPE and ECCE. Give your students all the exam practice they need using the Practice Tests Plus series. Each book has complete practice exams, accurate to the exam level and format, as well as useful tips to enhance your students’ chance of exam success. The motto of this seria is "TEACHING NOT JUST TESTING" Audio added Thanks to marcin2x4 and Alexxa