Ballenger's Manual of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, presents synopses of 47 chapters of the book that address clinical problems, diagnosis, and management. These clinically oriented synopses provide information on the commonly encountered problems in otology/neurotology, rhinology, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, pediatric otorhinolaryngology, laryngology, head and neck surgery, and bronchoesophagology
This new edition of WHO's International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10) has been fully updated. Originally published in the early 1990s, ICD-10 now incorporates all updates and other changes to this core health classification since 1996.
Three hundred and sixty-nine problems with fully worked solutions for courses in computer science, combinatorics, and graph theory, designed to provide graded practice to students with as little as a high school algebra background. Originally used to prepare Rumanian candidates for participation in the International Mathematical Olympiads, this book includes both simple problems and complex ones, arranged according to subject. It provides various levels of problems, some of which had been previously available only in research journals.
The main purpose of this book is to provide help in learning existing techniques in combinatorics. The most effective way of learning such techniques is to solve exercises and problems. This book presents all the material in the form of problems and series of problems. In the second part, a hint is given for each exercise, which contains the main idea necessary for the solution, but allows the reader to practice the techniques by completing the proof. In the third part, a full solution is provided for each problem.
The second edition of this collection of 13 original papers contains an updated introductory section detailing the significance that the original articles published in 1992 have for the further development of research into linguistic politeness into the 21st century. The original articles focus on the phenomenon of politeness in language. They present the most important problems in developing a theory of linguistic politeness