Market Upside Down: How to Invest Profitably in a Shrinking Economy
Protect Your Wealth Through the Longest, Deepest Down Market in History “Vinh Tran’s deep knowledge of global economic events and his skill as a market participant shine through in Market Upside Down, wherein he illuminates the structural problems that exist in the U.S. economy and the ongoing risks these problems pose to investors. The book gives investors practical strategies for thriving in turbulent times and is important for anyone who wants to understand the new normal of the investing landscape.”
Monotone Operators in Banach Space and Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsThe objectives of this monograph are to present some topics from the theory of monotone operators and nonlinear semigroup theory which are directly applicable to the existence and uniqueness theory of initial-boundary-value problems for partial differential equations and to construct such operators as realizations of those problems in appropriate function spaces.
Accounting for the enormous and amazing development cosmology has made in the past ten years, this long awaited second edition of Malcolm Longair's highly appreciated textbook has been extensively and thoroughly updated. It tells the story of modern astrophysical cosmology from the perspective of one of its most important and fundamental problems – how did the galaxies come about? Longair uses this approach to introduce the whole of what may be called "classical cosmology".
An updated bestseller, this book of extraordinarily beautiful photographs of nature contains state-of-the-art instruction on how any photographer can aim for equally impressive results every time a camera is focused on the great outdoors. Even highly skilled photographers are More...often baffled by the problems facing them when they work outdoors.