Determiners, articles and possessives -2014 -
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 29 July 2014 |
Determiners, articles and possessives -2014 -
You will definitely have noticed those little words that precede and modify nouns.
They are of three types: determiners, articles and quantifiers. |
Tags: articles, determiners, types, quantifiers, Determiners, -2014, possessives, three |
Infamous -S: plural, 3rd person singular, possessive case
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 20 July 2013 |
Infamous -S: plural, 3rd person singular, possessive case
The infamous -s has caused endless arguments and agitation. This article and infographic will attempt to clear up the confusion surrounding plurals, possessives, and combinations of the two. |
Tags: combinations, possessives, plurals, Infamous, plural, possessive, singular, person |