Exploring the continuum from normal personality traits to the diagnosis and treatment of severe cases of personality disorders, Personality Disorders in Modern Life, Second Edition is unique in its coverage of both important historical figures and contemporary theorists in the field. Its content spans all the major disorders-Antisocial, Avoidant, Depressive, Compulsive, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Paranoid, Schizoid, and Borderline-as well as their many subtypes. Attention to detail and in-depth discussion of the subtleties involved in these debilitating personality disorders make this book an ideal companion to the DSM-IV(TM). REUPLOADED by Pumukl
Лингвистический курс синтаксис англ. языка. A Modern Course in English Syntax provides intermediate and advanced students of linguistics and English with a systematic account of the rules of English syntax, and acquaints them with the general methodology of syntactic description. It teaches them how to formulate syntactic arguments, and how to apply the right criteria and tests in the analysis of sentences. The technical terms and concepts needed for discussing English structures are presented step-by-step and all terms are clearly defined and amply illustrated as they are introduced. The text is interspersed throughout with exercises and practical assignments which students will find both useful and enjoyable.