Classics of American Literature (84 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture)
Taught by Arnold Weinstein
Brown University
Ph.D., Harvard University
Absorbing great American writing—the classics—is a unique way to understand the history of this country and to add to our own personal estate of literary wealth. Classic stories and poems of American literature are found in the pages of Franklin, Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, Dickinson, Twain, Whitman, Faulkner, James, Eliot, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Steinbeck, Morrison, and many others.
As Professor Arnold Weinstein reminds us: "American classics are wonderfully rich fare. America is a mythic land, a place with a sense of its own destiny and promise, a place that has experienced bloody wars to achieve that destiny. The events of American history shine forth in our classics." When was the last time you read them? Possibly not as recently as you'd like. Why? Not because you wouldn't love it. But perhaps the demands of your daily life or some other reason have prevented this pleasure. Now, here is the opportunity to gain an extraordinary familiarity with each of these authors within a manageable amount of time, as well as review the great works you may already know.
What Explains Greatness? 2007-03-23: owing to poLUnoCHnIK, mirror links have been added ( 2007-03-24 owing to poLUnoCHnIK, zshare mirror links have been added !!! BOOK UPLOADED TO OUR SERVER
"The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side"
by Agatha Christie
One minute, silly Heather Badcock had been gabbling on about her movie idol, the glamorous Marina Gregg. The next, Heather suffered a massive seizure. But who was the deadly poison really intended for?