The leading translation tool used by over 170,000 translation professionals Trados Freelance 7.1 is the ultimate translation software. It provides all your translation tools in one integrated editing, reviewing and terminology environment. It combines the leading translation memory technology with a host of powerful features to make translation faster and easier than ever before!
Professionally-read, audio CD edition of the 4999 words. More ways to learn = best results. Use both auditory memory of the spoken words and visual memory of the printed words. Learn 5000 definitions and correct pronunciations. No book can give the audio benefits of hearing each word. No time? Listen while exercising, driving, doing chores.. Large-vocabulary communication skills help in all fields. Increase Grants and Scholarships
Memory and Forgetfulness - Essays in cultural Practice
"Memory and Forgetfulness - Essays in cultural Practice" is a university booklet for the students of British and American culture. The volume concentrates on remembering and forgetting. Human capacity to remember, to retain and recall experiences and facts seems to be a determining factor of existence of cultures, at least as we know them.
This accessible book offers a vivid geographic portrait of Cuba, exploring the island’s streetscapes, sugar cane fields, beaches, and rural settlements; its billboards, government buildings, and national landmarks. The authors illuminate how natural and built landscapes have shaped Cuban identity (cubanidad), and vice versa. They provide a unique perspective on Cuba’s distinct historical periods and political economies, from the colonial period through republicanism and today’s socialist era.
What if everything you knew about your past was wrong? What if who you thought you were was all a lie? In CHASING GHOSTS Dagger comes face-to-face with his past in the form of an intruder who first wants to hire him, then tries to kill him. What prompted this response? The answer lies in a series of numbers which triggers Dagger's memory and leads him to a remote mile below the surface, technologically advanced yet abandoned. Or is it?