The fifth edition of this excellent handbook of diagnosis and management in the accident and emergency department retains the clear, didactic approach that has made previous editions so popular with the junior doctor. Giving the reader immediate access to uncluttered information, the book is ideal for those critical moments of decision-making at the bedside, and also forms a useful ready reference for all emergency medicine personnel in the clinical setting.
This brand-new reference offers comprehensive yet succinct guidance on the preparation, assessment, and management of a full range of disasters, both natural and man-made (including terrorist attacks and the threat of biological warfare.)
One of the best selling and most highly regarded volumes in the Blueprints series, Blueprints Medicine provides a concise review of what students need to know in their rotations or the Boards. Each chapter is brief and includes pedagogical features such as bolded key words, tables, figures, and key points boxes. This edition has been reorganized to follow the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine guidelines and includes thoroughly updated content and additional tables and figures.
Nature Cures - The History of Alternative Medicine in America
Thorough, enjoyable, and rigorous, this study documents the major "unconventional" healing movements of 19th- and 20th-century America. Whorton (history of medicine, Univ. of Washington) traces the origins and influences of Thomsonianism, homeopathy, mesmerism, Christian Science, osteopathy, chiropractic, naturopathy, and acupuncture, briefly discussing therapeutic touch, visualization, and prayer as well.
The scope of the book is impressive - exploring medicine from the Dark Ages to the present day ! A lively introduction to Scotland's medical history in its context. Including developments in medicine, surgery, and alternative medicine in relation to the changing economic and social background, the author offers a new synthesis of medicine and society in Scotland.