Designed for use by a broad audience, including teachers, school psychologists and those studying developmental and educational psychology, this new set is uniquely focused on the student/teacher dynamic. Psychology of Classroom Learning explores the fundamental psychological aspects of learning — such as cognition, motivation and emotion — as well as the various individual and environmental factors at work in the classroom that influence students’ higher-order thinking and their ability to evaluate new information in the context of experience and existing knowledge.
This volume brings together contributions by leading researchers active in developing the social interactional and socio-cultural approaches to language learning and teaching. It provides not only an introduction to this important growth point, but also an overview of cutting edge research, covering a wide range of language learning and teaching contexts, European and non-European languages, and bilingual and multilingual practices.
"This book provides a really sound grounding in the theories that underpin successful teaching and learning. Without over-simplification it provides accessible introductions to the key learning theories with which teachers and students are likely to engage, and it has immense practical value." Professor Sally Brown, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
This book deals with research and practice in online communication and communication technologies of language learning and teaching. These include all forms of computerized media using text, graphics, audio and video, with a particular focus on multimodal teaching and learning. As part of the project the authors describe well-structured action research projects which have transferable features and which can inspire readers wanting to undertake their own projects.
Within education, concepts such as learning styles, learning strategies and independent learning are often cited as important areas for development in schools (DFES 1998, 2001) but these are rarely satisfactorily defined. It is essential for teachers to develop a detailed understanding of learning across the curriculum, as well as appropriate strategies, if children are to learn effectively. This book explores these important concepts by examining learning in a range of classroom settings and drawing on evidence from teachers and pupils, through interviews and observations.