Seahorse is a nursery course based on the UNESCO’s Five Pillars of Education: • Learning to know • Learning to do • Learning to be • Learning to live together and learning to live with others • Learning to transform oneself and society. The syllabus has been developed according to student’s age (from 2 to 3 years old). Each unit structure is based on reading and listening texts, encouraging Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).
Seahorse is a nursery course based on the UNESCO’s Five Pillars of Education: • Learning to know • Learning to do • Learning to be • Learning to live together and learning to live with others • Learning to transform oneself and society. The syllabus has been developed according to student’s age (from 2 to 3 years old). Each unit structure is based on reading and listening texts, encouraging Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).
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Young people around the world are increasingly able to access English language media online for leisure purposes and interact with other users of English. This book examines the extent of these phenomena, their effect on language acquisition and their implications for the teaching of English in the 21st century.