New Let's Learn English takes a communicative and topic-based approach to language learning over six levels. It combines a clear 3-step methodology with clear language focus and motivating activities that get students using English confidently. Students learn through a variety of tasks including pairwork, projects, games, acting and songs.
Added by: louendi | Karma: 103.40 | Black Hole | 28 November 2009
New Let’s Learn ENGLISH takes a communicative and topic-based approach to language learning over six levels. It combines a clear language focus and motivating activities that get students using English confidently. Students learn through a variety of tasks including pairwork, projects, games, acting and songs.
New Let’s Learn ENGLISH takes a communicative and topic-based approach to language learning over six levels.Students learn through a variety of tasks including pairwork, projects, games, acting and songs.
Внимание! Рекомендуется Министерством Образования как для специализированных школ/гимназий (3-4 урока в нед. - 1 год), так и для общеобраз. школ (1-2 урока в нед. - на 1,5-2 года).
If you speak English as your second language and want to express yourself with greater clarity and accuracy, speech expert Lisa Mojsin’s book and audio program will give you the instruction and advice you’re looking for.You will learn to stress the correct syllable of each word and link your words rhythmically for more natural, American-sounding speech.