Skills Builder For Young Learners - Starters 2 Student's Book + Audio (2000)
This exciting new series is designed to develop all four language skills at primary level. The syllabus reflects the language covered in primary courses and material taught around the world. The tasks and activities provide excellent practice in listening, speaking, reading and writing. The series is an ideal supplement to any course at primary level. The books can also be used by pupils who are preparing for the Young Learners Examinations (YLE) as well as other examinations at the same level.
The complete book of dinosaurs grades 1-3
over 3 millions copies in print Discover the amazing world of dinozaurs, strengthen Math, reading, spelling and language arts skills
Everyday English, Book 1 by Jean Sherwood Rankin (Rare Book Collection)
To make good speech a sort of social obligation will impress a child infinitely more than all the abstractions known as rules of grammar. There is no more interesting, even fascinating subject than that of language use, whether relative to the old or young. Yet vital books about language are the exception. There seems to be a wellnigh fatal penalty attached to the handling of such a theme; to wit, the dryasdust manner, a lack of all freshness, color and movement. This is all the stranger since we are all implicated in the questions of the use and abuse of the mother tongue and no topic is more eagerly discussed or awakens a more alert attention. The little volume here following contains, it seems, a thoroughly acceptable treatment of the principles of language use for the guidance of children.
Added by: harpy | Karma: 12.42 | Coursebooks, Audio | 8 September 2007
Представляем Вам отличнейший аудиокурс с приложенным к нему тейпскриптом Rhythms of American English for Students of English As a Second Language Американское произношение - Jazz: разучивается звучание фраз из бытовой лексики в распевной манере. Ухо приучается слышать и разбирать слова и фразы, произнесенные в непривычной для русского уха мелодике. Рот учится их произносить, мозг запоминать. Читает Native-speaker.