"English Words: History and Structure" by Robert Stockwell, Donka Minkova
The subject of this book is the origin of words in the English language, primarily those borrowed from the classical languages, namely Latin and Greek, either directly, or via French. A secondary theme is the internal structure of English words. Exercises to accompany each of the ten chapters are available to download from the web. The text is very accessible to all levels of reader; no knowledge of linguistics or linguistic terminology is assumed. For the reader unfamiliar with historical linguistics, or the influences which have shaped the English language, it will bring a new dimension to the understanding of the words that form the basis of our language. The once-baffling relationships between pronunciation, spelling, and meaning will become a source of enjoyment in themselves in the light of what can be learned from this book.
"Origins: An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English" by Eric Partridge
A "must have" book.
If you love the English language and are truly very curious about the meanings of its words as reflected in the evolution of its origins and meanings, this is a "must have" book. I have used the 1966 issue of it for years now, and rate it more useful, although a companion book, to the seminal work of Walter Skeat. No library can realistically be said to be complete,nor can any lover of the English language, without both of these works.
Удалось выкроить десять минут для того, чтобы выложить давно подготовленную книжечку - PHRASEBOOK. Это очень небольшое, но полезное приложение к уровню Intermediate учебного курса Language to Go. (posted 2006-10-08) Mirrors added by markdog and acvi4444
Book Description: A guide to references commonly used in speech and writing. Explains more than 900 allusions. Entries include examples from todays leading media. A must for serious readers, language lovers, and ESL students.