Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Other | 24 September 2008
La Boheme in all its glory. Full libretto with history of the story and music excerpts...original Italian text beside English translation. Easy to follow, great translation. For anyone who loves this opera this is a must have, or at the very least, a must-read. This is a fantastic piece of literature and a landmark theatre piece. This book captures the spendor of the opera well.
Очень интересный курс от Oxford-а. Тематика рассчитана на взрослую аудиторию.
Landmark builds on what learners bring to class and respects their knowledge and experience. Using real-life listening and reading, Landmark gets students thinking, noticing, and reacting. better audio added (by gaser)
McCloud, in an incredibly
accessible style, explains the details of how comics work: how they're
composed, read and understood. More than just a book about comics, this gets to
the heart of how we deal with visual languages in general. "The potential
of comics is limitless and exciting!" writes McCloud. This should be
required reading for every school teacher. Pulitzer Prize-winner Art Spiegelman
says, "The most intelligent comic I've seen in a long time."
Will Eisner
"A landmark dissection and intellectual consideration of comics as a valid
James Gurney, Dinotopia
"McCloud is the McLuhan of comics."
Oxford University Press
Landmark Intermediate Teacher's Book
Книга для учителя к отличному учебнику Landmark Intermediate.
Эксклюзив - сканил сам, больше нигде не выкладывал.