Stories flash for kids (intermediate/advanced) pack 8
Added by: tran70 | Karma: 829.77 | Kids , Multimedia | 16 March 2010
Stories flash for kids (intermediate/advanced) pack 8
This are several stories in flash for kids ESL intermediate or advanced
The tittles are:
The big breakfast
Bremmen town musicians
Tags: flash , movie , musiciansnbspNote , doesnt , wellStories , intermediateadvanced , tittles , areThe , musiciansnbspStories
Stories flash for kids (intermediate/advanced) pack 7
Added by: tran70 | Karma: 829.77 | Kids , Multimedia | 16 March 2010
Stories flash for kids (intermediate/advanced) pack 7
This are several stories in flash for kids ESL intermediate or advanced
The tittles are:
Bobby the bookworm
The bravest dog
Tags: flash , movie , dognbspNote , doesnt , wellStories , intermediateadvanced , areBirdsBobby , bookwormThe , dognbspStories
Stories flash for kids (intermediate/advanced) pack 6
Added by: tran70 | Karma: 829.77 | Kids , Multimedia | 16 March 2010
Stories flash for kids (intermediate/advanced) pack 6
This are several stories in flash for kids ESL intermediate or advanced
The tittles are:
Welcome back Bella
Surprise its Big Ben
Tags: flash , movie , BenBirdnbspNote , doesnt , wellStories , intermediateadvanced , tittles , areWelcome , BenBirdStories
Stories flash for kids (intermediate/advanced) pack 5
Added by: tran70 | Karma: 829.77 | Kids , Multimedia | 13 March 2010
Stories flash for kids (intermediate/advanced) pack 5
This are several stories in flash for kids ESL intermediate or advanced
The tittles are:
The scary beetle
I know I can
A cockroach car
Yummy cookies
Tags: flash , cookiesnbspNote , carYummy , movie , wellStories , intermediateadvanced , beetleI , scary , cockroach
Timesaver reading lessons (intermediate/advanced) - ещё одна книга из серии Timesaver, на этот раз помогающая развивать чтение на уровнях от Intermediate до Advanced.
Как всегда потрясающая книга как по содержанию, так и по продуманности подачи материала.
This collection of topical reading texts is aimed at teenage learners of English. The book presents students with a wide variety of text types, from detailed articles to cartoons. They are accompanied by teaching ideas and tasks to help the teacher exploit the content to the full.
79 comments, 41639 views
Tags: Timesaver , reading , students , issues , variety , intermediateadvanced , книга , lessons