Amusing and absolutely appalling things happen on the way to the gallows when murder meets Lord Peter Wimsey and the delightful working-class sleuth Montague Egg. This sumptuous feast of criminal doings and undoings includes a vintage double identity and a horrid incident of feline assassination that will tease the minds of cat-lovers everywhere. Not to be missed are "The Incredible Elopement of Peter Wimsey" (with a lovely American woman-turned-zombie) and eight more puzzlers penned in inimitable style by the mistress of murder.
After getting caught turning wolf on national television, Kitty retreats to a mountain cabin to recover and write her memoirs. But this is Kitty, so trouble is never far behind, and instead of Walden Pond, she gets Evil Dead. When werewolf hunter Cormac shows up with an injured Ben O'Farrell, Kitty's lawyer, slung over his shoulder, and a wolf-like creature with glowing red eyes starts sniffing around the cabin, Kitty wonders if any of them will get out of these woods alive...
If you're interested in buying a holiday home for your own use and as an investment, this book will provide you with a step-by-step guide. It will show you how to: source the right property for income and capital growth; prepare your property for letting; take your property to market; get the best from agents if you decide to use one; take bookings and deal with cancellations; manage the maintenance and cleaning; receive guests and secure repeat business; and manage the finances and make a profit.
As we prepare for the Holiday Season, Brother Sewing & Embroidery Machines would like to share some easy DIY Christmas crafts that let you express your creative side – and show off your talents to family and friends during your holiday celebrations. You’ll find this eBook a valuable resource for inspiration and special techniques, such as applique and embroidery on unique holiday fabrics.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 27 August 2011
Tuscan Holiday
When Elizabeth Caldwell planned a trip to Florence with her daughter, Marina, she secretly hoped for a warm, fuzzy bonding experience worthy of a Lifetime movie. But Marina - twenty-one, newly graduated, and close to her mum in many ways - has always been more the PBS type: dependable, practical, and completely in control. Elizabeth knows Marina wants to avoid the kind of 'stupid mistake' that left Elizabeth a single mother at twenty-two, and she's bitten her tongue as Marina settles for a wealthy fiance who gives. her everything she thinks she wants.