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The Last Crusaders: East, West, and the Battle for the Center of the World

The Last Crusaders: East, West, and the Battle for the Center of the WorldThe Last Crusaders: East, West, and the Battle for the Center of the World

The Crusades were the bridge between medieval and modern history, between feudalism and colonialism. In many ways, the little explored later Crusades were the most significant of them all, for they made the crisis truly global. The Last Crusaders is about the period?s last great conflict between East and West, and the titanic contest between Habsburg-led Christendom and the Ottoman Empire in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. From the great naval campaigns and the ferocious struggle to dominate the North African shore, the conflict spread out along trade routes, consuming nations and cultures, 
Tags: between, Crusades, conflict, great, Crusaders, World
Great Cross-Stitch Gifts

Donna Koolers Great Cross-Stitch GiftsDonna Koolers Great Cross-Stitch Gifts

From one of the world’s finest cross-stitch designers come some of the prettiest gifts ever created. This charming collection of projects will inspire newcomers to pick up a needle and fabric, while delighting experienced embroiderers always on the lookout for new ideas. Plus, all the necessary stitches and techniques are presented in an easy-to-follow illustrated introductory section. Stitch a floral sachet bag (there are several flower patterns to choose from); an individualized gift tag; or a blue-and-white pillow and afghan. Plus, there’s a special ?angel” to cross-stitch for every month of the year. 
Tags: cross-stitch, flower, several, patterns, choose, Gifts, Cross-Stitch, Great, floral
Tell Me Why - Great Women

Tell Me Why - Great WomenTell Me Why - Great Women

There was a time when everybody believed that history is only the biography of great 'men'. Legendary women of the past, like Cleopatra, have been the exception, not the rule. This is no longer true. The history of the modern world also includes the lives of great women. Through the ages, women did come to the forefront, and their genius could not be confined by the walls of society.
This issue of Manorama Tell Me Why takes a look at the luminous lives of great women - extraordinary women who changed the world. The world has known so many great women, that some names had to be left out due to space constraints. We hope to include them in a separate issue in future.
Tags: women, world, lives, great, issue, history
Good Grammar

Good grammarGood grammar

An invaluable guide to the world of good grammar which breaks down the barriers that prevent so many articulate, intelligent people from communicating effectively. Picking up a book on grammar takes courage, but the learner can take heart from the fact that many of the great writers, including Charlotte Bronte, were hopeless at grammar at school.
Tags: grammar, heart, great, learner, writers, takes, courage
17 Rules Successful Companies Use to Attract and Keep Top Talent

17 Rules Successful Companies Use to Attract and Keep Top Talent17 Rules Successful Companies Use to Attract and Keep Top Talent

This book is packed with lessons for every manager who aspires to attract and motivate talented people and build a great organization.

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Tags: Rules, organization, great, Successful, Companies, Talent, Attract