A Student's Grammar of the English Language
A shorter, revised edition of the acclaimed
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
While retaining the structure of that book, it focuses on
students who require depth of treatment and clear presentation with
detailed exemplification.
Draws on the most recent research, including new findings in semantics, pragmatics, and text linguistics as well as grammar.
Discourse features are dealt with throughout, as well as being the theme of one major chapter: "From Sentence to Text".
Differentiates between written and spoken, formal and informal, and British and American English.
Introduction to Project Work
Tom Hutchinson explains what project work is, what benefits it brings,
and how to introduce it into the classroom.
Grammar Extra Grammar worksheets to use as warmers and fillers in the classroom.
This new material covering topics from the Project syllabus provides students
with additional reading, writing and speaking tasks targeting specific grammar points.
Work through the sheets, or mix and match!
Project Language Log The Project Language Log is an individual record of your
students’ progress in learning English.
Grammarwayis a 4-level series that systematically practices and revises English grammar structures through comprehensive theory tables and functional examples. Based on the use of full-color visual stimuli, the books encourage students to speak before writing and allow them to practice structures through a variety of oral and written activities. Each unit focuses on a particular grammar topic. Regular revisions consolidate new language. Answers are included. Ideal for self-study or classroom use