Instead of abstract theory and examples, this book features practice, practice, practice. This
is the second level in a 4-book series that stresses grammar in action,
with numerous exercises presented in real-life situations and settings.
Beginning/intermediate grammar learners. GrammarWork,
English Exercises in Context, Second Edition, is a four-level series of
exercise books that feature structures tied to meaningful contexts.Perforated answer keys are included. Self-contained, contextualized exercises are designed for written practice. "Make It Work" sections enable students to apply what they have learned to realistic situations. Can be used for individual or classroom practice.
Let me introduce to your kindest attention a wonderful and unusual English book which comes from Poland. The text is aimed at those who would like to revise the whole English Grammar, enrich the bulk and sit FCE exam. It comprises over 300 pages and 24 chapters, each of them starts with an episode of the exciting lifestory of Jet Itosu's, a Japanese who has arrived in the States with an important mission. The text is followed with a detailed description of the grammar structures used in the chapter. It comes in Polish but numerous English instances make it totally comprehensible for all non-Polish speakers of English. intermediate/upper-interpediate
Today's students and teachers want a grammar book that helps the learner make the leap from practice to production. With 100% new content across all four levels, Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students (3rd edition) meets this need.
Your students...
- will gain confidence thanks to the short, simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises.
- be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimulating exercise types.
- be able to find their way around easily thanks to clear signposting, plus a detailed contents page and grammar index.
- learn more than just grammar with the new vocabulary sections, including word building.
- be able to assess their progress regularly with the new scored self-check pages
- be able to do further practice and self-testing with the brand new CD-ROM.
Teaching techniques in English as a second language.
Series Editors: Russell N.Campbell and William E. Rutherford
Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar is for teachers who are asking whether, when, and how to teach grammar. It addresses general questions of grammar in ESL theory and classroom practice. Ideas for teaching grammar creatively are suggested, including specific suggestions for most beginning-level structures. This book includes 11 chapters: background, getting ready to teach grammar, listening and responding, telling stories, dramatic activities and roleplay, picture, realia and the classroom, graphics, songs and verse, games and problem-solving activities, text-based exercises and activities.