A friendly guide to proper English grammar. Features coverage of
pronouns, participles, parallel structure of verbs, adjectives, and
tenses, and proper punctuation. Also covers effective proofreading,
using slang, avoiding common grammatical errors, and conveying the
appropriate meaning.
Why does grammar make everyone so nervous? Probably because English
teachers, for decades – no, for centuries – have been making a big deal
out of grammar in classrooms, diagramming sentences and drilling the
parts of speech, clauses, and verbals into students until they beg for
mercy. Happily, you don't have to learn all those technical terms of
English grammar – and you certainly don't have to diagram sentences –
in order to speak and write correct English.
So rest assured – English Grammar For Dummies will probably never make
your English teacher's top-ten list of must-read books, because you
won't have to diagram a single sentence. What you will discover are fun
and easy strategies that can help you when you're faced with such
grammatical dilemmas as the choice between "I" and "me," "had gone" and
"went," and "who" and "whom." With English Grammar For Dummies, you
won't have to memorize a long list of meaningless rules (well, maybe a
couple in the punctuation chapter!), because when you understand the
reason for a particular word choice, you'll pick the correct word
This book fills a longstanding need for a basic introduction to
Cognitive Grammar that is current, authoritative, comprehensive, and
approachable. It presents a synthesis that draws together and refines
the descriptive and theoretical notions developed in this framework
over the course of three decades. In a unified manner, it accommodates
both the conceptual and the social-interactive basis of linguistic
structure, as well as the need for both functional explanation and
explicit structural description.
A Handbook on practical English Grammar Morphology is meant for Armenian students which is written in English made available by Yerevan State Linguistic University.