Freckles (level 2 penguin readers)+AUDIO
Susie has freckles and hates them. She has problems with boys. Her friend Donna is very pretty and the boys fall at her feet. But there is a new boy at school. Will Jack fall for Donna? Will he laugh at Susie's freckles? Susie and Donna are about to learn an important lesson about life. Andrew Matthews has written more than forty books for children and young people.
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Tags: Donna, Susie, about, AUDIO, freckles, Freckles, level |
 Rosa wants freckles just like her friend Abby. How can she get them? Maybe chocolate pudding will do the trick! How about some mud puddle dots? Big sister's makeup? Rosa comes to realize that she might have something that is just as good as the longed–for freckles. Reading Level: Grade K-4 |
Tags: freckles, something, might, realize, longedndashfor |