First published to critical acclaim in 1989, this book is now recognised as one of the most original and influential critical studies of Shakespeare to have appeared in recent times. For this brand-new edition, Kiernan Ryan has not only revised and updated the text throughout, but he has also added a great deal of new material, expanding the book to twice the size of the first edition. The section on Shakespearean comedy now includes an essay on Shakespeare's first scintillating experiment in the genre, The Comedy of Errors, and a study of his most perplexing problem play, Measure for Measure.
This volume consists of twenty-four papers on variation and language description which were originally presented at the First Annual Colloquium on New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English in 1972.
What makes a great manager? Is it something innate in a person, or can people learn great management skills? First, Break All the Rules is an insider's look at successful managerial behaviour. This book explains why the best managers break the rules everyday by playing favourites and believing that each employee has unlimited potential. This handy book also outlines the world of real-life managers and how they focus, motivate and develop their employees.
Practical IELTS Strategies 5 IELTS Test Practice BookThis book-Book 5-is the test practice book for the Academic Module of the IELTS Test. Logically, this book should be used ajier the first four books have been studied. Much of the analysis at the end is based on knowledge from earlier books, particularly the writing sample answers. Yet it is possible to practise the tests first, and then follow up with some dedicated study of each component using the other books in this series.
Translation was central to Old English literature as we know it. Most Old English literature, in fact, was either translated or adapted from Latin sources, and this is the first full-length study of Anglo-Saxon translation as a cultural practice. This 'culture of translation' was characterised by changing attitudes towards English: at first a necessary evil, it can be seen developing increasing authority and sophistication.