Simple present or present continous exercise - Grammar short lessons - 2014 -
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 29 August 2014 |
Simple present or present continous exercise - Grammar short lessons - 2014 -
Complete the following sentences using an appropriate tense form.
Exercice with answers. |
Tags: present, continous, exercise, Grammar, lessons, Simple, short |
Phrasal prepositions exercise - Grammar short lessons - 2014 -
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 29 August 2014 |
Phrasal prepositions exercise - Grammar short lessons - 2014 -
Complete the following sentences using phrasal prepositions given below.
(according to, because of, in spite of , on behalf of, instead of, in front of, by means of, for the sake of, in addition to)
Exercice with answers. |
Tags: prepositions, Exercice, addition, means, front, Phrasal, lessons, short, exercise |
Parts of speech exercise - Grammar short lessons - 2014 -
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 29 August 2014 |
Parts of speech exercise - Grammar short lessons - 2014 -
You have to read the following sentences and underline the word or words that belong to the part of speech specified in the bracket.
An example is given below.
Tags: speech, Parts, below, exercise, Grammar, short, lessons |
Prepositions of movement: grammar exercise - Grammar short lessons - 2014 -
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 15 August 2014 |
Prepositions of movement: grammar exercise - Grammar short lessons - 2014 -
Complete the sentences using into, in, onto, on and out of.
Execice with answers. |
Tags: exercise, grammar, Grammar, short, lessons, Prepositions |
Conditional clauses exercise - Grammar short lessons - 2014 -
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 13 August 2014 |
Conditional clauses exercise - Grammar short lessons - 2014 -
Complete the following sentences using appropriate conditional verb forms.
Tags: clauses, Conditional, exercise, Grammar, lessons, short |