The year is 1895, and the place is the London home of a famous scientist. Here he shows his friends a strange machine -a time machine! He will be a time traveller! His machine takes him to the land of the Eloi, where terrible creatures live below the ground
Have you ever heard of "DITRANSITIVE VERBS? They are used a lot in English. If you've been studying English for a while, then you more than likely have been exposed to then at some point. Have a look at the grammar sheet below to learn more about them.
Leveled Readers provide the right level of reading support in any classroom. Leveled 'below-level' for sixth-grade students, these fiction and nonfiction books help all learners build fluency, independence, and motivation for lifelong reading success.
A Course in Efficient Reading with an Introduction to a hundred Great Words The arts of reading are a pyramid whose pinnacle rests on the stages below. No one can understand poetry well whose mind cannot take in the prose of discussion and necessary business.
Added by: babakinfos | Karma: 2211.42 | Black Hole | 6 May 2016
How to Read A Page
A Course in Efficient Reading with an Introduction to a hundred Great Words The arts of reading are a pyramid whose pinnacle rests on the stages below. No one can understand poetry well whose mind cannot take in the prose of discussion and necessary business.
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