Neurology Board Review: An Illustrated Study Guide
Preparing the reader for the written portion of the Neurology Board examination and the Residency In-Service Training Examination (RITE) of the American Academy of Neurology, this reference provides a comprehensive review of the most critical topics in neurology. With the abundance of neuropathology and neuroimaging figures and neuroanatomy and neurophysiology illustrations, readers will not need to refer to multiple sources for a comprehensive review to prepare for the Neurology Boards and in-service examination.
An ideal complement to the medical student's curriculum and a leading text for primary care residents and physicians. It presents practical information for the diagnosis, management, and referral of common ocular disorders. Includes updated images and resources, additional sample clinical problems, and the latest information on such areas as glaucoma care and eye-related aging changes. Covers the eye examination, acute and chronic visual loss, the red eye, ocular and orbital injuries, amblyopia and strabismus, neuro-ophthalmology, ocular manifestations of systemic diseases, and drugs and the eye.
National Univ. of Singapore, China. Provides a reference to common questions about medical student assessment. Topics include purpose driven assessment, key concepts in assessment, special issues in assessment in clinical medicine, objective structured clinical examination, mini clinical evaluation exercise, and more. For medical teachers.
Mission 1 is specifically designed to meet the requirements of the First Certificate in English examination or any similar examination. It effectively combines language development and extensive exam training for all five papers (Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening and Speaking). Mission 1 is intended for intermediate learners.
Focus on Proficiency (1998) Ó÷åáíèê äëÿ ïîäãîòîâêè ê ýêçàìåíó CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English). A complete integrated course written by exam authority Sue O’Connell, which provides thorough preparation and practice for the Certificate of Proficiency in English examination.