Essentials of Medical Genetics for Health Professionals
Essentials of Medical Genetics for Health Professionals is a concise, accessible introduction to medical genetics for all health professions students. Even with limited exposure to genetics, students can use the accelerated approach in this text to attain a base foundation of genetics knowledge. This book begins with a review of chromosomes, DNA, RNA, protein synthesis, and inheritance patterns and continues with a clinical focus based on understanding different disease processes. A variety of genetic diseases are explored, including what is known about the genetics involved, the signs and symptoms of the disease, and the treatment options available.
The textbook that has defined the field of immunology since 1984 is now in its thoroughly revised and updated Sixth Edition. This comprehensive, up-to-date text will be of interest to graduate students,post-doctoral fellows, basic and clinical immunologists, microbiologists and infectious disease physicians, and any physician treating diseases in which immunologic mechanisms play a role.
This internationally popular text provides a practical, clinically-focused introduction to ophthalmology suitable for anyone looking for a quick-reference uupdate on state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment of all major diseases of the eye. The new edition includes coverage of leading-edge topics including treatment of corneal disease by limbal reconstruction and amniotic membrane grafting, exudative macular degeneration, the use of intraocular steroid inections to treat a variety of retinal diseases, and use of immunomodulatory drugs for inflammatory eye disease.
Groundbreaking, comprehensive, and developed by a panel of leading international experts in the field, Textbook of Tinnitus provides a multidisciplinary overview of the diagnosis and management of this widespread and troubling disorder. Importantly, the book emphasizes that tinnitus is not one disease but a group of rather diverse disorders with different pathophysiology, different causes and, consequently, different treatments.
Atherosclerosis is a degenerative process affecting blood vessels, which determines narrowing of the lumen, plaque growth, and hardening of the walls. It is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The focus of this book is on the management of the atherosclerotic disease. The coverage of this book spans from histological presentation of the various stages of atherosclerotic lesions to the earliest studies in atherosclerosis therapy, from advanced clinical diagnosis to monitoring, follow-up, and home-care of the atherosclerotic patient.