The hairstyles, slang terms, advertising jingles, pop music sensations, and all else described as popular culture is covered in this 5-vol. reference. Arranged chronologically by decade and by broad topics within each decade, Bowling, Beatniks, and Bell-Bottoms focuses solely on the popular culture of the century -- hairstyles, slang terms, television shows, pop music sensations, etc...
In The Companion to the Victorian Novel, a series of specially-commissioned essays examine the work of Charles Dickens, the Brontës, George Eliot and other canonical writers, as well as that of such writers as Olive Schreiner, Wilkie Collins and H. Rider Haggard, whose work has recently attracted new attention from scholars and students. Contributors engage with topics such as industrial culture, religion and science and the broader issues of the politics of gender, sexuality and race. The Companion includes a chronology and a comprehensive Guide to Further Reading.
Added by: alzoar | Karma: 1152.51 | Other | 24 October 2014
"Modernity and Postmodern Culture" critically assesses claims made about the 'postmodernization' of culture and society and explores the complex interplay between the modern and the postmodern in an increasingly 'globalized world'.
A Monthly Magazine created for Modern, Well-rounded individuals with diverse interests. Smithsonian Magazine takes you on a journey through history, science, world culture and technology with breathtaking images from around the world.
This valuable study offers new insights and contextualization regarding the relation of nationalism to modernism. Hinojosa shows how many writers and critics in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, using Renaissance historiography as a model, produced cultural, art, and literary history to promote two often-competing goals: national culture and modernist culture. Reading authors such as Ruskin, Symonds, Arnold, Pater, Fry, Berenson, Hulme, Pound, and Saintsbury alongside relevant archival and periodical literature, Hinojosa reveals the structures of modernist historiography, high and low culture, and historical periodization.