Innovation in Cultural Systems: Contributions from Evolutionary Anthropology
In recent years an interest in applying the principles of evolution to the study of culture emerged in the social sciences. Archaeologists and anthropologists reconsidered the role of innovation in particular, and have moved toward characterizing innovation in cultural systems not only as a product but also as an evolutionary process.
Strategic Management: Global Cultural Perspectives for Profit and Non-Profit Organizations
Strategic Management has a unique approach goes beyond the traditional application for the for profit sector to address issues for the non-profit sector. It is the only graduate-level text that approaches strategic management from a global cultural perspective.
This new edition of the highly-acclaimed Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology provides a unique guide to the ideas, arguments and history of the discipline. Combining anthropological theory and ethnography, it includes 275 substantial entries, over 300 short biographies of important figures in anthropology, and nearly 600 glossary items.
Teaching English - English as an international language
English, with its wider geographical base, its 300 million native speakers, its utility as a toot of learning and its importance in science technology and commerce, is now incontestably the international language of the world. Whether it will be so a hundred years from now depends on political economic and cultural factors more than on the characteristics of the language itself: but one thing looks certain — English will not fragment as Latin did. The media will see to that.
Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction
"If you want to know what anthropology is, look at what anthropologists do," write the authors of Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction. This engaging overview of the field combines an accessible account of some of the discipline's guiding principles and methodology with abundant examples and illustrations of anthropologists at work.