This practical book is part of the new "Artech House Methods in Bioengineering" series - volumes designed to offer detailed guidance on authoritative methods for addressing specific bioengineering challenges. Written and edited by recognized experts in the field, each book provides research engineers, scientists, and students with step-by-step procedures, clear examples, and effective ways to overcome problems that may be encountered. At the dawn of the 21st century, microtechnology is changing the study of biology and the practice of medicine.
Beyond Horizons: A Half Century of Air Force Space Leadership
Beyond Horizons: A Half Century of Air Force Space Leadership is a study of the United States Air Force in space. Of all the military services, the Air Force has been preeminently involved for the past fifty years in initiating, developing, and applying the technology of space-based systems in support of the nation's national security. Yet there has been no single-volume overview of the Air Force space story to serve as an introduction and guide for interested readers.
With more than 2,000 color photos, Houses of the World, unites the most prominent international examples of domestic architecture from the last decade of the 20th century.