Heritage World Coin Auctions (HWCA) is devoted to coins and currency from all over the world. We bring the finest numismatic material to you in our Signature Auctions, held three times a year in conjunction with prominent numismatic events such as the New York International Numismatic Convention and the Long Beach Coin and Collectibles Convention.
Heritage offers more than a quarter century of auction experience, auctioning more than 40,000 lots of Ancient and World material. Our World Coin consignment specialists have over a century of experience in dealing with your numismatic needs.
Walt Disney (1901-1966) was one of the most significant creative forces of the twentieth century, a man who made a lasting impact on the art of the animated film, the history of American business, and the evolution of twentieth-century American culture. He was both a creative visionary and a dynamic entrepreneur, roles whose demands he often could not reconcile.
With a client list that includes Motorola, Daewoo, AT&T, and Volvo, Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner are considered today's most knowledgeable, innovative management consultants. In 21 Leaders for the 21st Century, they tap into the wisdom of high-performing leaders from around the globe--from Michael Dell to Richard Branson--who candidly discuss their own views and experiences in analyzing and solving business dilemmas.
Writing of the Heart and the Epistolary Form - The Case of Richardson's Clarissa
A university booklet for the students of literary criticism. Contains a set of essays devoted to the interpretation of "Clarissa, or the History of a Young Lady" - a novel by Samuel Richardson written in the eighteenth century. The interpretation is based on the epistolary form. See the table of content for full information.
Groundbreaking Scientific Experiments, Inventions, and Discoveries of the 18th Century
In over 60 alphabetical entries, Shectman examines at the tremendous scientific discoveries, inventions, and inquiries of the period. Familiar topics such as the steam engine and hot air balloon are covered, along with lesser-known topics such as the Watt copy press and Newton's experimentum crucis. A thorough discussion of each entry's scientific impact provides readers with an understanding of the lasting social and political importance of these advancements.