Using the traditional genres of allegory, pastoral, and parable, this book develops alternative paradigms of literary realism with which to reexamine a group of crucial but marginalized 20th century writers who have been misread as conventional mimetic realists.
Build the foundation for a 21st century learning environment! This professional resource provides strategies, suggestions, lesson ideas, and helpful planning tools to create a 21st century environment in the classroom and at school. Teachers and students will feel empowered to use technology in teaching and learning.
Chapters cover food and society in the sixteenth century, kitchens and cooking, what people drank, food and health (including Tudor ideas on healthy eating), setting the table and table manners, feasting and banquets. Alison Sim shows that dining habits in the sixteenth century were not the same as those of the Middle Ages and that Tudor dining, at least for the wealthier section of the population, was much more sophisticated than it is generally given credit for.
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 23 July 2015
The Renaissance proved to be a time of great transformation of the artist as they came to occupy a different place in society, for art was becoming more than just a craft. The French term Renaissance emerged in the 19th century and was used to describe an entire period of rebirth.
In 1711, the imperious Virginia patriarch William Byrd II spitefully refused his wife Lucy's plea for a book; a century later, Lady Jean Skipwith placed an order that sent the Virginia bookseller Joseph Swan scurrying to please. These vignettes bracket a century of change in white southern women's lives. Claiming the Pen offers the first intellectual history of early southern women. It situates their reading and writing within the literary culture of the wider Anglo-Atlantic world, thus far understood to be a masculine province, even as they inhabited the limited, provincial social circles of the plantation South.