Added by: Daniel | Karma: 179.00 | Software | 16 May 2011
Программа, позволяющая распечатывать текстовые и другие документы в виде буклета, постера, баннера, брошюры, визитной карточки, открытки, презентации, шпаргалки, обложки для CD/DVD и многое другое...
Очень полезная вещь для преподавателей!!!
The program helps print different texts in a form of booklets, posters, banners, business cards and etc.
Very helpful for teachers!!!
It has about 170 ready-made templates. You can create your own ones.
The Art of Paper Quilling: Designing Handcrafted Gifts and Cards
An exquisite paper art book featuring quilling techniques for cards and gifts. With a focus on simple, elegant projects, the The Art of Paper Quilling offers paper crafters a complete technique guide along with step-by-step project ideas for making beautiful framed pieces, cards, gifts, and more. The designs are all built upon simple rolled coils of paper that when grouped together, form intricate flowers, graceful butterflies, and delicate scrollwork.
If you can cut and roll a strip of paper, you can quill! Paper quilling is enjoying a bold resurgence, with artists reinterpreting and revitalizing the technique with exciting new ideas. These 50 diverse designs feature breathtaking quilled cards for holidays, special occasions, and just for fun. Start with simple, fundamental forms, all shown in close-up photos that novices can easily follow: a tight roll, teardrop, square, scroll, and more. These form the basics for such projects as an adorable baby carriage-shaped tag, embellished with buttons; rolled Christmas holly berries on a tiny wreath