The Gothic Enterprise - A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral
While most books about Gothic cathedrals focus on a particular building or on the cathedrals of a specific region, The Gothic Enterprise considers the idea of the cathedral as a humanly created space. Scott discusses why an impoverished people would commit so many social and personal resources to building something so physically stupendous and what this says about their ideas of the sacred, especially the vital role they ascribed to the divine as a protector against the dangers of everyday life.
Using archaeological evidence and first-hand sources, Konstantin Nossov charts the history of the medieval Russian fortress from its early beginnings until the 14th century.According to Russian legend, in AD 862, the Slav tribes of what is now European Russia invited a number of Scandinavian princes to rule over them. In AD 882, Prince Oleg united these kingdoms as the feudal state of Kievan Rus, by building a series of settlement and border fortifications, including the Zmievy Valy (Snake Ramparts), to protect against foreign invasion.
Added by: Dr.Cnet | Karma: 56.76 | Black Hole | 15 November 2010
Lonely Planet – Madrid City Guide
Hemingway wrote, it’s the most Spanish of all the cities, he would be surprised if he saw it today. Madrid, the capital of Spain is undergoing something of a renaissance; new modern building works going up all over the city, the arts are flourishing, it is home to the biggest gay pride in Europe, and for travellers Madrid is becoming known as the all night party capital.It’s a great time to visit! Spanish presenter Adele Ucar, herself from Bilbao, lands at Madrid’s funky new Airport building – terminal.......
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The Millennium Development Goals and the Road to 2015: Building on Progress and Responding to Crisis
This book draws on two of the World Bank’s flagship publications, the Global Monitoring Report and the World Development Indicators. It analyzes the international statistical record and the findings of researchers around the world to report on the progress toward the Millennium Development Goals over the past decade. The book's online companion, the World Bank eAtlas of the MDGs, features worldwide mapping, timeline graphing, and ranking tables, allowing users to map the progress of goals, targets, and indicators; compare data; and export and share graphics.