Brain Mapping: The Methods, Second Edition (Toga, Brain Mapping)
Investigation of the functional architecture of the human brain using modern noninvasive imaging techniques is a rapidly expanding area of research. A proper knowledge of methodology is needed to appreciate the burgeoning literature in the field. This timely publication provides an excellent catalogue of the main techniques.
Neurotransmitters, Drugs and Brain Function aims to link basic aspects of the activity of neurotransmitters at the receptor and synaptic level with their role in normal brain function, disease states, and drug action. Thus, the material considers to what extent our knowledge of the central synaptic action of certain drugs can explain their possible roles in the cause of diseases and in the modes of action of drugs effective in those conditions.
How to Be a Genius: Your Brain and How to Train It tells you how the brain works, how it helps you survive in the world, and how it makes you the person that you are. You can study the different functions, areas, and states of the brain, and at each stage, there are cool games, quizzes, puzzles, brain teasers, and more! The activities show readers how their brains can work even better, making this a challenging, informative, and practical book.
The gray stuff in the skull gets a once-over in Bill Nye the Science Guy: Brain. Even though no one knows exactly how it works, scientists do have information on the functions of some areas of the brain. Using comparisons that students can readily understand, and sprinkling in many kids' colloquialisms, Nye continues in his series of successful programs. The standup scientist is seen in a new light when he submits to an MRI, and lets students see an image of his brain.