Use Twitter to improve your writing, network with other authors, meet fans, build a platform, gain exposure, find reviewers and sell books. Rayne Hall has one of the best platforms any writer has on Twitter – with over 50,000 genuine, engaged followers who enjoy her tweets and buy her books. Here she shares practical advice, fun ideas, step-by-strategies for success – and even the embarrassing mistakes she made. This book is a great help to any writer who wants to use Twitter as a professional tool without wasting precious writing time.
The Best Business Writing 2013 (Columbia Journalism Review Books)
An anthology Malcolm Gladwell has called "riveting and indispensable," The Best Business Writing is a far-ranging survey of business's dynamic relationship with politics, culture, and life. This year's selections include John Markoff ( New York Times) on innovations in robot technology and the decline of the factory worker; Evgeny Morozov ( New Republic) on the questionable value of the popular TED conference series and the idea industry behind it
The Teacher is an educational magazine for English teachers, students, as well as anyone interested in the culture of English-speaking countries. The magazine publishes articles on English methodology, both theory and practice that can be utilized in the classroom. Additionally, it reviews books and latest TEFL trends and includes coverage of trainings and conferences.
This book has 3 sections. Section 1 is 'The IELTS Descriptors Decoded', a book giving a basic idea about what is needed to achieve various IELTS Speaking and Writing band scores. Also in Section 1 there are my top twelve tips for the speaking and writing tests'. These are a little "old and simple' but many candidates still find them useful. Section 2 is a showcase of my other books, both for IELTS candidates and for general students of English as a foreign language. Simply click on the links provided to go to websites where you can buy the books. Section 3 contains some Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 questions for the speaking test
A semi-monthly magazine with articles on literature, culture, economics, science and current affairs. Published in New York City, it is inspired by the idea that the discussion of important books is an indispensable literary activity. For over 45 years, The New York Review of Books has been the place where the world's leading authors, scientists, educators, artists, and political leaders turn when they wish to engage in a spirited debate on literature, politics, art, and ideas with a small but influential audience that welcomes the challenge.