The How To ... series is for those eager to learn a new hobby and for sports fans hoping to become an expert. With this exciting new series, kids can become a pro in no time! Introducing the language of dance and making it easy to understand and remember, How to ... Ballet shows prima ballerinas step by step instructions from basic exercises to more advanced arabesques, pirouettes, leaps, and jumps and even how to look the part, with useful advice from the professionals. You'll also get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the stories, sets, and costumes that go into producing a ballet spectacle.
All students want to succeed and you want to create great lessons so that they can do so. Both you and your students now have the opportunity to make every lesson successful. Your Students will enjoy every minute of their course, thanks to the inspiring and up-to-date topics and Culture Shocks will be motivated and self-confident in their use of English with activities that help students both understand (Work it Out) and internalise grammar rules (Check it Out) and avoid common mistakes (Mind the Trap) will become communicatively competent for the outside world and their future careers with a syllabus that focuses on communication in real-world contexts (Speak Out)
The foggy mirror after a long hot bath, the light rays bouncing off all the shiny surfaces—who knew there was so much science in the bathroom? Readers will be introduced to condensation, refraction, air pressure, and many other concepts in this engaging guidebook. Soap and toothbrushes become scientific instruments and the bathroom a laboratory. Easy-to-follow instructions and vibrant illustrations make science accessible and fun.
Over the years, pragmatics - the study of the use and meaning of utterances to their situations - has become a more and more important branch of linguistics, as the inadequacies of a purely formalist, abstract approach to the study of language have become more evident. This book presents a rhetorical model of pragmatics: that is, a model which studies linguistic communication in terms of communicative goals and principles of 'good communicative behaviour'.