Rebooting the American Dream: 11 Ways to Rebuild Our Country
Nationally-syndicated radio host and bestselling author Hartmann (Screwed) takes up his progressive cudgels once again. His theme this time: the need to turn back the clock 30 years and undo the legacy of Reaganomics. Turning the clock back further still, he recounts a story about how George Washington had to have an American suit specially made for his Inauguration because, even after the revolution, fine clothing (and much else) was still imported from Britain.
Signing Time. (1 season) Volume 4: Family, Feelings & Fun /2005/ DVDRip
Sign language can help a young child excel in academics. Hearing children benefit from Signing Time because it supports early brain development. Research shows that babies who use sign language scored 8-12 points higher than their non-signing peers, when tested after second grade. Signing Time is a great early education resource because it builds literacy skills, improves spelling skills, enhances memory retention and fosters a love of learning.
I have had pleasure in editing this little book, not only because it is the work of my youngest son, but also because it contains the results of a good deal of experience of life under novel aspects, as seen by young, fresh, and observant eyes. How the book came to be written is as follows: The boy, whose two years' narrative forms the subject of these pages, was at the age of sixteen seized with inflammation of the lungs, from which he was recovering so slowly and unsatisfactorily, that I was advised by London physicians to take him from the business he was then learning in Yorkshire, and send him on a long sea voyage.
Sign language can help a young child excel in academics. Hearing children benefit from Signing Time because it supports early brain development. Research shows that babies who use sign language scored 8-12 points higher than their non-signing peers, when tested after second grade. Signing Time is a great early education resource because it builds literacy skills, improves spelling skills, enhances memory retention and fosters a love of learning.
Signing Time. (1 season) Volume 2: Playtime Signs /2005/ DVDRipSign language can help a young child excel in academics. Hearing children benefit from Signing Time because it supports early brain development. Research shows that babies who use sign language scored 8-12 points higher than their non-signing peers, when tested after second grade. Signing Time is a great early education resource because it builds literacy skills, improves spelling skills, enhances memory retention and fosters a love of learning.